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In most cases, crack overdose involves such severe and rapid escalation of symptoms that a person suffering from it can experience sudden death. In the event that a person survives the overdose by getting medical help right away, their body can incur extensive, lasting damage to their brain, heart, kidneys, and muscles 4. Like many other illegal drugs, crack can cause a deadly overdose if an individual takes too much. Crack cocaine deaths often occur because those who abuse the drug binge on it and continue smoking more and more until the drug causes harmful side effects to the heart, lungs, and mind. Being able to recognize a crack overdose is important, as anyone who smokes the drug has the chance of experiencing it. Yes, a person can die from a crack overdose. In fact, a person can die from an overdose on his or her first use of the drug. A crack overdose can also cause: Irregular heart rhythms. Heart attacks. Kidney damage. 1,4; Long-term complications can include: 4. Chronic anxiety and psychosis. Reduced mental acuity. A crack cocaine overdose can be very serious and can result in long-term damage to the body of the user, coma, or death. If you or someone you know uses crack, knowing the signs of an overdose and what to do when an overdose occurs is very important. It comes as no surprise that death is a possible result of crack cocaine overdose. Like the rapidity of the drug itself, these deaths can occur quickly. In fact, some 75 percent of all crack overdose deaths happen within just five hours of smoking the drug. Can you die from crack overdose.

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