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If you (or someone you know) ever forget your Windows password, you'll be glad to know about chntpw, a neat Linux utility that you can use to reset a Windows password. For this how-to, I created a Windows virtual machine and set the password to pass123 on my user account, Archit-PC. Knoppix@ttyp1knoppix$ sudo mount –t captive-ntfs –o uid=Knoppix,gid=Knoppix /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 Obviously, replace the name of the partition, if it is not correct. The –t option is used to specify file-system type, use captive-ntfs to use the NTFS drivers that the captive ntfs wizard previously found.
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Ls -d /mntand ls -l /media/sda1) Knoppix provides already ready the index /media/sda1 intó which we cán install /dev/sda1. We perform this now by operating: mount /dev/sda1 /média/sda1(Yóu might possess to change this order to your system, e.gary the gadget guy.